Sunday, January 4, 2009

Newspapers in '09

Like most Sundays, this morning I met friends for a run, and today's conversation began predictably with someone asking, "Did you see that story in the paper...?" As we shared our thoughts and views, I couldn't help but think of the venerable Rocky Mountain News, which will most likely shutter this month.

You might say, It's the Internet stupid.

Like the music industry, which has been crippeled by online file sharing, newspapers have been mortally injured by Internet advertising. C'mon now, Craigslist isn't exactly new anymore. Sure it's the execs' fault for being arrogant and slow to adapt. But blaming only goes so far. I want to know what's next. What's going to fill the void once the presses stop for real at my hometown paper?

I imagine for awhile my running buddies and I will simply switch on the computer or the TV for our headlines. But will anybody publish news photos of mountain lions lounging on Boulder's back porches? Or what about the short blurbs about local happenings like Lou Reed and Laurie Anderson last minute nuptials, performed by etown host Nick Forster? This is the stuff of good Sunday morning chats. I don't know if we'll find such gems as easily in the electronic news world.